Getting Out the Vote

There are two phases to ensure voter turnout: voter registration and voter mobilization. Once voters are registered, we need to empower them to get to the polls.


Phone banking

Phone banking is calling or texting registered voters to find out their intent to vote or issues important to them, and to empower them to make plans to vote. Phone banking is often done in groups together, or it can be done remotely.



Canvassing is knocking on doors and speaking in person to registered voters to find out their intent to vote or issues important to them, and to empower them to make plans to vote. Canvassing is often targeted to a specific population of voters aligned to the goals of the particular GOTV campaign, and typically done in small groups.



Many registered voters require assistance in getting to the polls, so if you have a car, you can help transport them during early voting or on election day. Some GOTV efforts will organize drivers to mobilize voters this way.

There are many different Get Out the Vote efforts. 

These efforts may be focused on local, state, or federal elections. They may be partisan or non-partisan. They may support a particular candidate.

You can perform an internet search for "get out the vote" or "voter mobilization" in your area, and find a GOTV effort that you and your friends will want to support.

Whatever you decide, remember to have fun, remember that you're doing important work, and remember to take pictures!

Post on social media #medoutthevote, and send to so we can share it!